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Fangbooth 6 Top 8 Data Insight

    The week-end of the 24/25th of February was held the 6th edition of the Fangbooth. If you want to know more about the even itself, the matches and see some player POV analysis you can do so in this blog post : Fangbooth 6 Top 8 Matches.

    Here we are going to go a more analytical approach where we focus on the data. We will go into depth of the pick, ban and win rate of each heroes, while also diving into the teams and players stats of the event.

    Moreover this Friday 1st of March at 21:00 CET, there will be the META Talk on my Twitch, where I will go in details over the stats of the event with two guests. Once done and uploaded on Youtube you will be able to find it here.

    Champion Stats

    In total it is 19 matches that have been played. The draft format for this tournament was no mirror pick with 2 bans per teams. First ban occurring before any picks are made and second pack after each team have locked their third pick. The graphics below show the overall pick and ban rate of each champions, blue representing number of pick, while orange represents number of ban. If the champion is not appearing in the graph it simply means it was never pick or ban during the event.

    What are the key takeaway from this graph? Well Rampage was considered a menace with a whooping 16 bans out of 19 matches. The recent buff and bug fixes he received made him King of the Jungle again and team did not want to deal with it. Also, first appearance of Kwang in tournament and 100% pick and ban presence. The pick naturally find success in the offlane but was also flex in the jungle from time to time. Last, like previous tournament, PCC 6, Riktor is still at the top of the chart, even after numerous nerf. Sevarog is the following pick with 18 appearance which meant all first 4 characters are frontliners which give you an idea of what team where prioritizing in this tournament META.

    Moving on, Lt. Belica is still the number one contested mage pick, even though here she saws a lot of play in the support role and not exclusively in mid. Which bring the Gideon with 17 appearances compared to the measly 6 of the PCC 6. This is why I love those graph since it gives some insight towards stories and here we can see in EU Gideon is a very important pick while in NA people where not a fan of him. Another big difference in midlane to note is the total absence of Iggy & Scorch in this tournament while he was super present in the NA one. Maybe the novelty effect is gone or maybe simply a region preference. Let’s see if in the PCC 7, Kwang still remains at the top of the chart.

    Regarding the Carry role, all are represented at the exception of Sparrow as usual. Kira made a lot of appearance with 7 games while she was absent of the NA tourney. And last it seems, Assassins type of character are a little bit having trouble to enter the tourney META of Predecessor but at the same time, with such emphasize on picking durable target, even sometimes seeing triple tank composition, assassins will struggle in such environment.

    Before we enter into the details of the Graph it is important to say that, the sample size (i.e. the amount of game) is very small especially for the character on the right side of the graph. So those number are to be taken with precaution.

    Well, Kwang was contested a lot and there was a novelty effect, but the 67% winrate shows that it was right to focus on that pick. While Riktor despite being first ban / first pick every game did not provide the same amount of success. Riktor is a very hit or miss character which can explain the performance here. Sevarog also seems to struggle but a big reason is teams were defaulting to him to have an OK lane against Kwang in Offlane and from Kwang winrate it seems that even the best option team found was not good enough. Probably we will see some adjustments to the character before the next tournament.

    Regarding midlane, it is interesting to see all 3 most important midlane, Lt. Belica, Howitzer and Gideon, all having over 50% winrate. So despite the tank META, Gadget did not manage to provide enough even with how potent Tesla Dome can be in those situation. One explanation could be that Gadget requires higher level of team coordination that we have yet to see in the scene so far.

    Dekker is still struggling, every single main event she has been under 50% winrate despite being regarding as a top support by most of the community. I personally believe she can be a top support but she actually have an incredibly high skill ceiling and no team use her to her full potential yet. I guess it is one of the reason the characters remains untouched despite repeated poor performance.

    Last, depsite more pick variety on the carry role, we can see that Wraith with 75% and Murdock with 83% where definitely the pick of choice. Drongo reaching timidly the 50%, while Kira being only at 43% and Twinblast and Revenant both securing a 0 win score, ouch. Twinblast fall from best Carry in PCC 6 to worst in Fangbooth 6. Would that means that NA itemization on the character is superior to the EU one? Let’s see of the future confirms that trend.

    Team Stats

    Time to enter into the team stats, keep in mind that all the stats are averaged over 10 minutes of game, there is inherently a bias behind it since usually the first 10 minutes of a game is the least eventful when it comes to farm and kills. So naturally teams with longer average match length inflate their stats a little but it is still interesting to analyze them and draw some conclusions from it.

    Another disclaimer is the fact, that the stats that we can collect are limited until Omeda re-instate their data API for everyone use. So in the past we had access to structure and objective data, it is not the case anymore unfortunately since we now have to rely on API that is more limited on the data provided.

    TeamWin RateKDAKDAGoldWard PlacedWard DestroyedMatch Played
    Import's Backpack67%
    Rocket Rookies33%2.135.316.929.411836716.672.586
    Omelette du Baguette0%1.644.17.528.211909414.363.012
    North American Rejects0%0.983.159.245.881566113.872.312

    Overall there was 3 teams that were a cut above the rest, it shows greatly on the winrate and the KDA. Of course the 2 grand finalists, Immune and Indecisive, but also Import’s Backpack. The two finalists both managed to get over 2000 gold/minutes and that despite a tough 5 matches BO5 in the final which means more than half of their matches was against the toughest competition the tournament add to offer. If that does not show that farm wins games I don’t know how to convince you.

    Another thing interesting is to see how Ronin seems to be on top of the ward game with 4.6 wards destroyed per 10 minutes 50% over the second best team at it, while also keeping a high ward placed themselves. Curiously though it is the team that have the most death so all this vision control does not seem to translate into actual benefit. Which show that the team with the lowest warding efficiency, Import’s Backpack, are actually the best student when it comes to not dying. Maybe wards are actually not that useful compare to game sense in Predecessor.

    Player Stats

    Similar to the team stats, the information are averaged on 10 minutes of game, which bring the same type of bias as previously mentioned.

    PlayerRoleWin RateKDAKDAKPCSGoldHero DmgDmg TakenWard PlacedWard DestroyedMatch Played
    Tarkraf RequiemOfflane33%1.620.541.662.1435%72351867831252320.346
    Skype HamsterMidlane0%1.420.962.292.2933%853765565780442.290.192

    Congratulations to Morose to have the highest KDA of the tournament, the French Grutos is proving that he is a top offlaner. This result is mostly thanks to having the lowest amount of death which is impressive because I remember Morose 5 monthes ago, he was dying on every single jungle gank and now he has mastery over the lane. I know the table says it is AgeFran9 but he played only 1 game in the quarter final so is stats are very biased, still congrats to him to play well on this instance.

    Without suprise, we see Neft topping the chart in terms of Kills, CS, and Gold. Anything that give farm you can be certain Neft is on the case. Also congratulation to Gac that manage to top the chart of Hero Damage as a Carry where all the following 5 places are midlaners. ManQ will be happy to know he was the most proficient when it comes to ward placed.

    Omelette du Baguette frontliners, PuzzledPanda and Silox manage to take both top place on the Hero Damage Taken department, which without surprise is full of jungler and offlaner exclusively. And to finish as a fun fact Mettboy get the most assist per 10 minutes of game while being a Carry, I guess loving Murdock and using Long Arm of the Law to help teammate secure kill instead of finishing them with it can have that effect. Talking about assist, the first support to appear on that category is Toasty and he is at the 14th position which feels really low, since when I think support, I think assist machine but stats says otherwise.

    Feel free to have fun with the ordering and the filters, you can also use the search field to filter on specific role for instance.


    This is it for this second blog post sharing the data of the latest tournament, hope you liked it and don’t hesitate to leave a feedback on my discord about what I could do better or which type of data you would like to see in the future.