The week-end of the 24/25th of February was held the main event of the FangBooth 6 where the best 8 teams from EU where competing. The format was a single elimination bracket where all matches were BO3 with the final being the exception as a BO5.
You will find here access to the match code of every match if you want to watch the replay yourselves or simply want to look at the game on for seeing what top player build. As the week pass by all the game will be analyzed on my Twitch and the best game will be posted on my YouTube and added to that blog post alongside their respective game.

Here is the roster of all the 8th team participating.

Quarter Final
Rocket Rookies vs Omelette du Baguette #1 – b63d3b1106f24699a427a11c33bccf18
Rocket Rookies

Omelette du Baguette
The first match of the tournament and to be fair it was a nice back and forth one. Rocket Rookies were having a strategy revolving around focusing on securing the Fangtooth but Omelette du Baguette managed to play the map very well in return, securing numerous towers for the first 2 Fantooth. Third Fangtooth teamfight was crucial to deny the triple Fangtooth buff and was successfully managed by Omelette du Baguette, transitioning into a clean Orb Prime that unfortunately resulted in them overcomitting. From their game was even and more big buff trade happens until one team ended up victorious.
Rocket Rookies vs Omelette du Baguette #2 – b63d3b1106f24699a427a11c33bccf18
Rocket Rookies

Omelette du Baguette
Unfortunately not as great of a game as the first one but still great thing can be learned from it. Especially around the duo lane of Rocket Rookies where they apply great pressure and force kills in situation that most other duo lane would have played passive. Also a wonderful Orb Prime teamfight from Omelette du Baguette side despite being super far behind which shows that sometimes with good coordination you can still turn a game around.
Immune vs Ronin #1 – 258e7fa3c74245568fd92c4412c96bb1

Holy Molly, Immune just proposed a Master Piece of a game despite playing against a very strong team. If you want to see how to make a surgical game with 5 objectives pre 20 minutes and a game win in slightly more, this is a great watch.
Immune vs Ronin #2 – 12b0c095f1ff4ac8b5aca1b962eda480

Not as clinical and surgical as the previous game, Ronin bringing a bit of fight back to Immune. I recommend watching Empti on the Gideon that game since it does not do anything too fancy just very smart decision all game long and punishing every single slight mistake his direct opponent is making.
Import’s Backpack vs Sunder #1 – 23a68b3b676245ec949f527fc47dd724

Import’s Backpack
Import’s Backpack ending up with Import dying does not really feel appropriate. Jokes aside their is many great thing to extract from that game, Import jungle pathing and effecient farming is absolutely stellar in that one. The synergy between him and Wangle to secure early kill is beutiful and overall the chain CC made by Import’s Backpack thanks to the combo Dekker-Belica-Sevarog-Crunch made Sunder question the use of trying to press their buttons.
Import’s Backpack vs Sunder #2 – 5ed583d7c72c4633b63164d9559a227c

Import’s Backpack
Another good game by Import’s Backpack, I love how they approach teamfight and situation in a calm and cool manner. It is especially true for Noz on the Sevarog this game where he simply create space by placing himself at the right position but not firing his ability too early, keeping the tension and the menace up until it is the right moment to strike.
Indecisive vs North American Reject #1 – 667f0fbcf5cc4670b15947fb4a498da7

North American Rejects
A lot of signature pick on the side of North America Rejects, Toasty’s Dekker, Serath’s Nitro, Crazzyfool’s Howitzer leading to a great match beginning against the former Fangbooth champion. And then Cabodani decided the match was over by getting 11 kills in 5 minutes which resulted in too much pressure for NAR to resist.
Indecisive vs North American Reject #2 – bbf3e6b63f73489cbf3e782060dc9a34

North American Rejects
North American Rejects going for a heavy scaling comp with the Sevarog, Narbash and Howitzer but unfortunately Indecisive had other plan. Nyzah on Kallari said to Crazyfool you won’t play the game and Morose even manage to win 1v2, while every time NAR goes for a heavy rotation they manage at best to trade heavenly. Not much to say here apart Indecisive were a step above.
Semi Final
Rocket Rookies vs Immune #1 – aad4bc1b12a34d02bcc7467307c6ae1d
Rocket Rookies

Not much to that one, efficient farming from Immune, failed attempt by Rocket Rookies resulting in free objectives for Immune and then they were ahead secure Orb Prime and finish the game.
Rocket Rookies vs Immune #2 – 971916d3423844e4aac5e3cdbceb2a89

Rocket Rookies
I like the Rocket Rookies comp idea, this jungle Riktor ready to follow up on the Dekker engage on the duo lane or the Belica one in the midlane. It could have worked out but unfortunately you can feel InkLegend lack of comfort on the Riktor and despite many attempt at ganking most of them where unsuccessful while Bondrewd thanks to the help of Nefty’s Long Arm of the Law was simply destroying the offlane. Still Rocket Rookies managed to find some glimmer of hope by going for some nice aggressive pick-up but in the end the coordination of team Immune using the Gideon and the Sevarog to zone the entire enemy team while big objective where being done by the other members proved too much to deal with.
Import’s Backpack vs Indecisive #1 – 8fedaa5ce91949988f824d8ebf143ee4
Import’s Backpack

Two different approach on this match, Import’s Backpack focusing the midlane, but TehAssid on the Howitzer being super elusive while Indecisive focused the offlane and finding great success. On top of that the duo lane should have been able to bully the Muriel but the mechanical difference between the two team proved too much to overcome, letting Zeyn not able to express himself which resulted in Indecisive scaling too hard in the end.
Import’s Backpack vs Indecisive #2 – 846d0709a9834a94b887ba76f34d0c53
Import’s Backpack

A little bit of an odd composition for Indecisive with no real frontline. This game was a bloodbath and good fun even though he was not the best one when it comes to decision making, if you want to see 8 kills in 5 minutes, some frontline exploding due to Tesla Dome, or Morose Gruxxing on Grux that’s a good watch but don’t extract too much strategy from it.
Loser Final
Rocket Rookies vs Import’s Backpack #1 – bb2cdbb0a2ce46e08e6da824cd2b9c3c
Rocket Rookies

Import’s Backpack
Another game dictated by where the junglers focused their attention. Rocket Rookies naturally focused on the duo lane trying to take advantages of their strongest player Gac, but that left a Belica having to face a Howitzer and a Feng Mao alone. Needless to say SimmyGoesHard got a hard time to play despite a nice early game aggression.
Rocket Rookies vs Import’s Backpack #2 – 5edd1ecd686041d39fa66ef3c25d32ea
Rocket Rookies

Import’s Backpack
A lot of not to do in this game, starting from Rocket Rookies offlaner rotation on inefficient timing that offered Fangtooth control to Import’s Backpack but still wanting to contest in a position they can’t contest. And then Import’s Backpack wishing to finishing when they can’t finish.
Grand Final
Immune vs Indecisive #1 – fd87a32c8ab840e99f964969d0155c6a

Grand final between the former PCC 5 champion against the former PCC 1,2,3,4 champion. It was going to be some great games and the first one did not disappoint. Kills going both ways but Indecisive doing a great job at securing the first 2 Fangtooth for themselves each time securing a whooping 3 kills on top of that through intricate plays. Resulting in Immune feeling pressured to secure the third Fang which they did but at a heavy cost that allowed team Indecisive to get the Orb Prime in response. Leading to an end game where Nyzah was an absolute monster.
Immune vs Indecisive #2 – 96ab8911abba4256beab2d230dfb4547

Neft on Wraith was absolutely smurfing that match, to the point that even the frontline of Indecisive where getting evaporated. Morose did its best to try to make it a contest but it was not sufficient to overpower the 14/2/5 Wraith.
Immune vs Indecisive #3 – df08dad0aafe48e580aeb177eac71179

A very nice contest of a game where both team struggled at gaining an advantage. The Kallari pick was a bit odd into triple Tank but found great success at killing the enemy Murdock on cooldown. Only problem is Indecisive are against the clock with their comp and they did not manage to generate a lead so they slowly lose control of the game due to their comp not being able to properly teamfight later on.
Immune vs Indecisive #4 – 628caf6031a84c10aa08a7a2daf20dff

Indecisive have their back against the wall, if they lose it is game over for them. And Immune fully dominated the first 25 minutes of the game until a slight approximation, followed by a great play and another mistakes to turn everything around. A fundamental watch for anyone that believe you can not comeback in Predecessor.
Immune vs Indecisive #5 – 68ebc02151894f50be2d3040500949ad

This is it, the final game of the tourney and the first Game 5 of the Fangbooth history so far. At the end of this match the champion will be crowned and I will not spoil anything for this one, just enjoy the match.