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PCC 8 Top 8 Data Insight

    The week-end of the 27/28th of July was held the 8th edition of the PrimeChampionshipCircuit. As usual we are going to share same data regarding the event and a bit of analysis about the META for this tournament.

    Champion Stats

    In total it is 17 matches have been played, we only focus on the main event data. The draft format for this tournament was no mirror pick with 2 bans per teams. First ban occurring before any picks are made and second ban after each team have locked their 3rd pick. The graphics below show the overall pick and ban rate of each champions, blue representing number of pick, while orange represents number of ban. If the champion is not appearing in the graph it simply means it was never pick or ban during the event.

    One thing to note immediately is, it was the first tournament where Terra was allowed and she made a very powerful showing. However she was not considered OP by the team as she receives only 2 ban, but was strong enough that we see her presence in every single draft. The only other champions to realize this feats is Zarus, which was also the only one to do that in the previous event. Despite receiving 2 rounds of nerf with the last 2 patch, the Lizard is still the best when it comes to competitive gaming either in the Jungle or in the Offlane.

    Overall we have 10 champions that have over 75% appearance and 7 of them with over 88% appearance which is the sign of a not so diverse META. Draft revolved heavily around securing the Bruiser frontline in the form of Terra, Zarus and Aurora. Then one of the 2 strongest carry with Drongo or Grim. Then a midlane in the form of Howitzer or Gideon, and finally a support with mainly Dekker or Muriel, making the META a bit samey.

    I think one explanation for it is the Jungle pool hero was very constrained with many of the usual pick completely out of flavor for good reason. No Rampage, no Khaimera, no Crunch, no Feng Mao, all being way too weak to warrant an appearance on the highest competitive stage.

    Last, we can mention Serath going up in the chart which is mainly due to the fact many players decided to use her as a solution to the Terra Offlane pick and Gadget which was almost absent of previous tourney became extremely respected by many teams to the point she received the highest number of ban with over half of the game she was banned.

    New event, and Dekker is back to a below 50% winrate, actually a 33% winrate which is very poor for a character that was first ban many time and picked in the first round of draft. Was the PCC 7 over 50% win rate, the only tournament Dekker achieved over 50% by the way, a fluke?

    Enough comedy about Dekker, Terra Zarus roughly 60% winrate which explain why we have seen them in every single draft, same thing for Drongo 67% and Grim 55% that justify their spot as top carry in the META. Especially if we compare with the other carries, Twinblast 29%, Kira 33%, Murdock and Revenant 0%. There is definitely something to be done on the side of Omeda when it comes to carries with such numbers.

    On the rest, the 80% win rate on Gadget really shows team was right to ban her that much. And the 0% winrate on Khaimera, Rampage and Feng Mao just comfort what everyone knew that those junglers were very weak in the current META.

    Team Stats

    Time to enter into the team stats, keep in mind that all the stats are averaged over 10 minutes of game, there is inherently a bias behind it since usually the first 10 minutes of a game is the least eventful when it comes to farm and kills. So naturally teams with longer average match length inflate their stats a little but it is still interesting to analyze them and draw some conclusions from it.

    TeamWin RateKDAKDAGoldWard PlacedWard DestroyedMatch Played
    The Doctors88%4.965.733.7612.932415217.593.278
    Dirty Lake and the Boys56%3.54.463.889.112312118.173.089
    The Professors50%2.554.515.158.652233519.132.124
    Mind the Gap0%2.084.315.57.132088318.122.232
    Top Physique0%1.743.436.487.812079917.533.052
    Bad Timing0%0.471.86.41.21947415.6112

    Congratz on The Doctors getting that Crown and also getting that Stats W on the KDA department and every individual components of it, most Kills and Assist while having the least Deaths.

    Compared to previous event all the teams have gotten better at warding and there is not such a huge discrepancy between the top of the table and the bottom which I am pleased to see. However when it comes to gold, the quality of farming have exploded. Previous event none of the team reached the 2000 gold/m where here everyone did at the exception of Top Physique and The Doctors even manage to increase the previous record by 20%. I guess teams finally become much more efficient at collecting gold and not spending time wandering across the map for not much of a reason.

    Those 2 factors shows that the scene is evolving in the right direction bringing us tighter competition and match that rely less on fundamental mistakes and more about out smarting there opponents.

    Player Stats

    Similar to the team stats, the information are averaged on 10 minutes of game, which bring the same type of bias as previously mentioned.

    PlayerRoleWin RateKDAKDAKPCSGoldHero DmgDmg TakenWard PlacedWard DestroyedMatch Played
    Mad CorporealJungle0%1.350.952.72.763%6540306518130820.321.112
    Dr FlikOfflane0%1.290.451.040.8954%553836392080172.5202

    Neft toping the KDA chart with a 7.9 and a 1.6 lead on the second, while also being the only player to have the golden over 10 CS/m. Showing that you can have perfect farm and still being present in most of the actions to help your team secure kills since he is also the number one when it comes to kills with 2.27 kills per minutes, half a kill over the second.

    In terms of Hero Damage, there is 3 players very close to each other at the top with Seismic earning the top spot and being the only one with over 1000 damage per minutes. Noting Jay is 3rd with 996 as a Carry when usually the top place are trusted by midlaners.

    Regarding KDA if you exclude Mav the jungler form the winning teams, we have to wait the 21st spot out of 40 to finally see another junglers. It seems junglers where having trouble to get into the KDA charts, it could be because there where more focused on objectives, or players are getting better at surviving ganks, or because they where more initiators and died early in teamfight before the kills started to happened.

    Last regarding warding, I am happy to see the top 8 spots being the 8 supports of the tournaments as it should be. Still there is a huge discrepancy between them with Purpleswan at the top with 0.97 wards a minutes and Vekron at the bottom at 0.58. We could argue it is because of how the game have want but both team got schooled by their opponents in the quarter final not likely.


    This is it for this blog post sharing the data of the latest tournament, hope you liked it and don’t hesitate to leave a feedback on my discord about what I could do better or which type of data you would like to see in the future.